Works featured in Silent Auction at Makers Gallery and Studio
Three of my recent works will be featured in Makers Gallery and Studio's one night event, Rebuild.This event invites rochester community to gather around great art from local artists and to aide in any way we can in the rebuilding effort in nepal. The works will be auctioned off on saturday, july 11th, 2015 with 100% of the proceeds going to the american red cross nepal earthquake relief fund.

"Chevalière, Alone", "Impartial Drawings I-IV", and "Jest W Nas" will be featured in this event.
40 x 33 in. (10 2cm x 84 cm)
Oil and tempera on canvas
In this sinister puppet theater, the Red-hair anxiety consults Tarots for clarification of her future, yet without realizing all the information she receives is manipulated by her alter-ego, the Blue-hair voodoo witch. The game of manipulation between one person, two identities is nevertheless observed by a nonchalant outsider, who serenely flips the book page and turns over the story of morbid maneuver.
Impartial Drawings I-IV
I. China – I beg you, repair me!
II. U.S.A – Familiar smile, unfamiliar visage.
III. France – Why should we doubt the virgin white of fallen snow?
IV. Poland – But love? Not really.
Four drawings each measuring 12.5''x 10''
Ballpoint pen, ink, watercolor, painted frame
A modern-day nomad, I have wandered about and lived extensively in different corners of the world. Each time I settle down in a new country, I have to battle against my preconceptions and struggle to see the reality of the new environment. This array of four drawings portrays partially true myths of the four countries I have lived in or studied: the Chinese paradox of conservatism and openness, the American obesity versus slimness, the French high fashion against everyday casualness, the historical Polish melancholy versus modernism.
Each portrait is captioned in the language I carried over from the previous experience.
I. China – Błagam, napraw mnie! (I beg you, repair me!)
II. U.S.A – 识靥未识面,比儡将作傀( Familiar smile, unfamiliar visage.)
III. France – Why should we doubt the virgin white of fallen snow?
IV. Poland – Mais l’amour? Pas vraiment. (But love? Not really.)
12.5''x 10''
Ballpoint pen, ink, watercolor, painted frame