Wedding of All Times
Performance and social intervention on August 21, 2015
Gorna Lipnitsa, Bulgaria
As one of the oldest and most universal rituals of mankind, a wedding celebrates the union of two people. In the Wedding of All Times, however, we celebrate the marriage of two times, Past and Future.
Carrying two distinctive halves, the artist herself represents both the Past and the Future. The wedding follows the modern-day ceremony, including acts of Poem Reading, Ring Exchange, Unity Candle Lighting. In the end, the Officiant (Mayor of Gorna Lipnitsa) pronounces Past and Future married and thus completes the union of the two times.
Nonetheless, this performance is intended to be of a paradoxical nature. Despite the theme of unity, the motif of division is omnipresent, as the dress, veil, shoes, bouquet, music, and even cocktails of the wedding all mark a clear separation of the two times. This sharp contrast raises the ultimate question: by uniting the past and the future, do we achieve the present? Does the fusion of memories and predictions create the “now”?
Critical audience members may also have noticed the absence of continuous flow of time in this piece. There is neither romantic encounter before the wedding, nor honeymoon after. Everything happens at the moment and freezes at the present, awkwardly inserting a “now” into the gap of past and future. The Wedding of All Times is eventually a satire, mocking our doctrinaire perception of time as being linear and unidirectional.
A peek into the patterns I created from the Tarot logo I designed for me and Madame Luna.
A split bouquet, with materials from the Old School's secret room.
Two shoes (or a pair?) found at the Pavlikeni open air market
Infinity ring for the future
Ring box - made from an old film container
Hand-made wedding invitations in English and Bulgarian, two halves, two fonts
Infinity ring for the past
We taped an invitation to every door!
The "future" veil has eye-hooks as decoration
The "past" half of the hair features a hairpin made from branches, corn-beard, and random straws found in the vast fields of Gorna Lipnitsa.
My ring boy, Uli, brings me the rings of Past and Future