A drawing-installation on time and myths -- Rendez-vous
Stephanos Resch, a patient with Dissociative Identity Disorder , has a mental twin brother Lucas.While Stephanos is optimistic about history and the human future, Lucas imagines every moment as destructive and the human race as a perpetual failure. What one believes to be the verity is an absolute fallacy in another’s mind. Yet both of the two brothers fail to realize that time is a giant Möbius strip: rushing into the future would finally take us back to the past; tracing one’s presumed truths would eventually land on another’s myths.
Apart from references to the human past back to the homo†sapiens, this installation also borrows heavily from H.G.Wells’ 1895 novel The†Time†Machine. Wells imagines the human race as two species near the end of time: the Eloi live happily on the ground while the apelike Morlocks labor underground and feed on the carefree Eloi. The science of cryonics is also represented as a phase in human evolution. The technology of freezing people and preserving their thoughts incites wide controversy, as its success would mean that life in the future would no longerw involve a flesh body, but only an idealized vessel to contain human thoughts. Bodies would be useless and discarded; the universal death depicted in the Vanitas†would ultimately become a myth.